"What I find so fascinating about each person here is if you walk away as enamored as I am, or not, it's something that won't change them and most certainly is something that they will not be devastated by. My portraits are an escape. I love making the person 1000 times more who they are or who they thought they could never be. Because of the social media world we all inhabit these days there's no mystery anymore and we've done this to ourselves. Here I want to give some of that back. I want the faces featured to be beyond reach, untouchable; totally unattainable. " - Andre Steven Rutgersen
Robert Barreca Long Island, NY 2025

I'd taken his image many times over the years but nothing like the portrait sessions I've done before. It was only a matter of time before I would pluck up the courage to ask. Of course how I asked though, through a photograph. A few candid photographs of him taken some time ago. As seen here he came to this session ready for his close up and then some. He's a not just a smart man, he's witty, funny and has a sense of humor that can make some Ill at ease. You'll laugh though.

I really love these more semi-serious Images. Robert is of Italian decent and brings to mind the men of days from past who got things done in a certain way that back then would make most shudder. These days it takes more. Robert though is not that man, as far as I know. To this he would laugh.

"Above all, never let age extinguish the fire of your inner child." - S. Ajna (Writer)

Johansen J. 2025 Long Island, NY - I found his face to be strong and seemingly having layers of one life after another. His face has secrets. I couldn't photograph him any other way.

Raymond Forrest, Brooklyn, NY Balm Studios 2024 - Portrait photography is always like unearthing hidden jewels. He beyond his obvious good looks is so generous to the camera. These Images are just a drop in the bucket of what was taken this day and I believe show the promise of something even more wonderful waiting ahead.

I don’t press the shutter, it feels like the image does. It’s like being gently clobbered but when this happens I’ll take as many hits as I get given.

It’s never been the actual act of photographing. I like the person. I also like when I can hold a photo in my hand and say ‘Yeah I know them.’ For me that’s one of the best parts. The interaction. Having something that celebrates what’s happened. There’s a real kindness and warmth and openness. Some people tend to devour the camera, with Raymond it’s more two old friends hanging out.

David Rafferty Jr. 2023



"No one ever did this for me." - Him being happy with the final product is the my only goal.

It's his vulnerability that I found myself touched by. He took a chance and came to terms with his beauty. At least what I saw as beauty. I just wanted to touch his beard and run my fingers through his hair. Repeatedly.

Heavier bearded, his soft charm something I'm grateful to have captured. As serious as he can look and be, what I discovered is a compassion. A delicacy that isn't afraid to be seen. Underneath his thick mane and invitingly scruffy beard there is a wonderous smile. I saw what I wanted and hit the shutter. Him, me and my camera between his clothes and skin.


Duncan B. New York, NY 2022- He's got a real swagger and audacity, an arrogance and isn't the least bit ashamed of that or admitting it. The other side of the coin with Duncan is that like everyone else featured he is beyond generous, with a smile that comes as easy as the knowing stare featured here. It's easy to be fooled by the above stare. It's not just his striking looks but the warmth of his hands and smile and soft laugh. He makes it easy to like him. Even more so to want him.

"I'm not shy at all, and I'm not that quiet either. I am honest about who I am and what I like, love, what moves me. Art, sex, nudity and photography don't just get me out of bed, they're a reason for all of this. At least for me." - Duncan

Meaghan W. - Long Island, NY 2024 - She has a really fantastic balance in front of and beyond the camera lens. One of my favorite subjects; she never dissappoints. Even something as simple as this she manages to turn into an event.
I have always maintained a professional relatioship with her when were working together. Honestly thought it's difficult to not fall under her spell. I think that is what makes people around her become just completely smitten with her.
One of my favorites. She and I both knowing that what we have working together won't last forever so we have made the most out of all of this. She's never disappointed me or the camera and has given me an extensive archive that within the years to come will be shared with the world.
I was told once, a woman's laughter is the true siren song. Her's is one no one can resist.

My intention was never to objectify her or cast her in only a 'sexually provocative' light. Buttoned up or with soft shoulders seen she has always come across as a strong, take no nonsense woman. These some years later she still surprises me. I adore her.
Underneath the sexy, seductive, knowing pin-up has always been this hopeful optimistic young woman. This is who I’ve always seen. From the first frame taken.
"All photographs are memento mori. To take a photograph is to participate in another person’s (or thing’s) mortality, vulnerability, mutability.
Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time’s relentless melt." - Susan Sontag (Photographer)
I was told I favor her more than most I’ve photographed. She’s jumped off the ledge with me not knowing what’ll happen. I guess that person was right.

She's made for the camera. I knew it the first time I met her.

Melissa Roy, Long Island, NY 2021 - All Images of Melissa are featured in the photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" 2024 - She too embodies everything I want to portray: vulnerability, sexuality, and strength.

She's built like Jessica Rabbit. How could I not photograph her in all her splendor?

David Rinaldo's Life After, Back In Stride. Long Island, NY 2023

He's one of the most difficult subjects I've ever photographed. A complicated, conflicted hellion. He has no vested interest in the outcome. He's one of three I've worked with more than six times and I can say I would again. He's a challenging person, I think all photographers need that experience in their work
Robert Jones, Long Island, NY 2019
The above black and white featured in "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2020. Five prints sold privately.
Big Paulie Long Island, NY 2023

"I like that he likes fishing and animals and his honest and not vain or fame-crazed and he shows his gladness for what I cook him and joy for when I make something for him, for both of us." - Sylvia Plath (Poet)
"I like his warmth and his bigness and his being-there and his making jokes and stories." - Sylvia Plath (Poet)
I love this Image, it's, for me, heartbreakingly beautiful.
He's become the most important person in my life. He's one of the very few people that has changed the course of it. His belief in me and what I do set the wheels in motion for me to get into photography again. It's something I am and always will be eternally grateful to him for.

From the photography book "BAGPIPES and DRUMS" 2023

Evan C. Long Island, NY 2023 - "I don't think this man knows how beautiful he is but it's obvious he has a certain power and is aware of it. I believe once he becomes conscious of just how beautiful and powerful he is, that has the potential to spark a dark tragedy. What an exciting prospect." - Claude Maurice (Photographer)

"The Ghost In You" The first time I photographed him would be the above larger Image. He was dealing with a lot at this time in the late summer of 2019. It wouldn't be until 2023 that he would see this image for the first time. As with all people he was struck at the change in him from then to 2023 and it gave me the idea to feature these two Evan's together. To this he would say, "It's like looking at a ghost."

Two of My Muses: Evan and Meaghan, together at last. These Images featured In the photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" 2024 - They both trusted me and it was a dream of mine to photograph them together. Both agreed when asked and the chemistry, seen here clearly. was something that the camera loved and devoured. They surpassed my expectations and are as young and exciting in person as they are here.

"Zeki_One" I've loved working with him since day one. He's got no fear in front of the camera at all. He improvises every time and knows what to do with little to no direction. His aplomb is something to be applauded and something I always find myself in awe of when the camera is clicking away. Even more fascinating is he bares so much of himself and there's still this sense that he hasn't really revealed anything to you at all. That's why he's one of the people I seem to find myself going back to.

This Image featured in the photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" 2024

This Image featured In the photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" 2024

He's either going to go all the way or not at all. Working with him I just never know where were headed but it's never dull. Never.

This Image above featured in the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021

"Queen Calo" Cassandra Calo Sarasota, Florida 2022... featured in the portrait photography book "BAGPIPES and DRUMS" Click Available for Purchase Above!


Mega-Wattage....Meaghan W. Long Island, NY 2023 - She's without a doubt one of my favorites. Not just beautiful but takes chances. The first time I met her I knew that she would be something that no one would be able to take their eyes away from.

Meaghan..."Blue Is the Warmest Color..." - It's interesting to witness a man, men, realize that the woman sitting at the table near them is the same one featured here. To Meaghan it's a funny moment as she giggles quietly to me. Dressed simply for our outing, hair in a pony tail and make up free she would simply say "Photography huh?".

Featured in the photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" 2024

Long Island, NY 2023 - Featured In The photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" 2024 Daven T. - The only thing that comes to mind when I think of him is "Divine". He's the friend everyone should have and the son every parent wants. He's a subject the camera needs and the framed photo that should be on every wall in every home. He's the man that every woman wants and will someday be the dad every kids needs.

This image featured in the photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" 2024 *Excerpt - Click On Available For Purchase - “I love this! That baby face, he’s an animal with a baby face. I love animals and he looks like he’s eating life with big fangs.” - Simon Dubbin (Writer) *
No matter what life has thrown at him, he hasn't been destroyed by any of it. He's one of the most remarkable men I've met.

Adam L. New York, NY 2021

Some portraits I capture, simple ones, they feel like being hit with a brick. One's like this are worth any injury.

This Image and on the far left featured in the photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" *Excpert - "He looked like a fallen angel, replete with all the dangerous male beauty that lucifer could devise." - Lisa Kleypas (American Author, quote from the "The Devil In Winter".

Long Island, NY 2023 - "'Ireland'...Angelic Hell On Wheels!" This Image Featured in the photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" 2024 - I could photograph him forever. There's an endlessness to him. I thought that after the book was done that would be it. We just keep finding ourselves continuing to work together. The fact that I don't know anything real or tangible about him outside of this dynamic makes working with him that much more intriguing.

It’s his lack of slickness. There’s nothing oily or rehearsed about him. To a lot of people he’s whistle bait, to even more people it doesn’t stop at a whistle.

It's the fact that he's not afraid to show and share his rugged, masculine side. It's difficult to not get wrapped up in it.

Kyle Dawson New York, NY 2022 - President National Tartan Day NY Committee.


This Image featured in the Photography book "BAGPIPES and DRUMS" 2023

Sarasota, Florida 2022 - Courtney Calo from the photography book BAGPIPES and DRUMS" 2023


Long Island, NY 2022 - "Schock Star!" Matt, he's undaunted and indominable in his music and when the camera is focused on him. I think his destiny was already mapped out with a last name like Schock. How perfect. - Some Images featured in the photography book "BAGPIPES and DRUMS" 2023 at

He plays drums in his Pipe band "Roisin Dubh Pipe Band" as well as lead singer and guitar for his other band, "Pine Street Band".

This Image and below featured in the portrait photography book "Bagpipes and Drums" 2023

Joseph O'Rourke Long Island, NY 2020

From the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021

Infront of Behind The Scenes w/ Marti (at left) and Coreyanne.

Coreyanne Ann Armstrong New York, NY 2021. This image featured in the portrait photograph book "BAGPIPES and DRUMS" 2023

Long Island, NY 2021 - Meaghan, The Muse of Muses. - I still don't believe she knows how powerful she is in front of the camera. I wasn't prepared for what she brought to and gave to the lens. It treats her gently and lovingly like a paramour. I think it's the one that won't hurt her.

"Her Emerald Altar..."

"Snow White Lives Again..." This image featured in the photography book "Just A Few Adventures In Cameraland" 2024

"Rawell..." New York, NY 2022

Long Island, NY 2019 - Rob Louis Roberts Jr. from the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021
Rob L. outtake
Long Island, NY 2019 - Patrick McBride The above portrait is featured in the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021

This Image featured in "BAGPIPES and DRUMS" 2023

It’s important that the person in the viewfinder know they are safe when we work together. I always want them to know I’d never do anything to hurt them. It’s my job to protect them.

New York, NY 2004 - Sazara J. 35mm color Images featured in the photograpghy book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021

Connecticut 2021 - "Coreyanne and her Clan" They all are truly an extraordinary family.

Long Island, NY 2019 - Eric Stein from the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021 - My portrait photographs are an escape. I love making the person 1000 times more who they are or who they thought they could never be. I always see it as a success when your left with more questions than answers.

Long Island, NY 2019 - Tongue's Out w/ Matt LePre

Matt L. outtakes
There are people that you meet, photograph, they move on. Then there are people that stay in your life for a time. I was lucky to have him in mine, to be able to capture him. He's moved on and so have I but these are photos yes. And keepsakes of a great time in my life.
Long Island, NY 2021 - "Patti In Bloom"...

New York, NY - Tim C.
Blanca M. both photos taken in New York City's Lower East Side in 1991. From the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021

It all really started here. I took these photos and have held onto this for decades because it's just a wonderful moment. It was the beginning of something wonderful I just didn't realize how wonderful that something would be.
Long Island, NY 2021 - Evan C.


There has to be a sensitivity and a real caring even if it's for 10 minutes or an hour. No matter who it is my job is to protect them when they're in front of the lens. Without that it just becomes appallingly barbaric. That's the last thing I ever want.

Masonville, NY 2019 - Tony Napolitano These first two portraits and the one below are featured in the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021...available for purchase.

Dominick, he's an imposing person in every way you can think of but in front of my camera I still felt the need to protect him. He didn't need my protection, he doesn't need anyone's.
Dominick J. This and the 3rd Image from the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021...available for purchase.
This image featured in "BAGPIPES and DRUMS" 2023...available for purchase.

He's a big man, huge. In so many ways, physically, personality, laugh, smile. He's wonderful to photograph and talk to. There is absolutely nothing dull about him. Nothing.

David Rinaldo
This Image from the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observatrions" 2021

David from the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observatrions" 2021

New York, NY 2020 - John M. outtakes from the book "Bagpipers and Drums" 2023

Color version can be seen in "BAGPIPES and DRUMS" 2023
Long Island, NY 2019 - Bob V. Farrell. outtakes

Bob F. from the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021 ...
Long Island, NY 2020 - Brendan Gomez, the above photo is from the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021 Left, outtake...

Long Island, NY 2019 - John Henderson
"John" this photo and left from the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021 Color version can be seen in the portrait photography book "Bagpipes and Drums"2023