"Nude portraits were something that I never had any intention of delving into but it happened unexpectedly. It was during the beginning of a portrait session that one of the subjects about to be photographed moved onto the backdrop and under the lights he would disrobe to my surprise. "I'm ready when you are." It was something that was the last thing I had in mind for the persons images but I rolled with the punches. I found that as the session moved ahead what I was capturing was an uninhibited, open human being that did not seem to be nude, but was in their skin completely protected from truly being exposed. It would be from that session that I would continue to meet and find the men below that had no qualms about being photographed in the nude, they all reveling in this. I too would pose for a series of nude self portraits. Something that I had always wanted to do but never felt confident enough to pursue. These brave individuals inspired me, the nude form being a beautiful thing to cherish. It's when a person is that brave they are vulnerable and equally as strong. This is what I am so very proud of, these men, as well as myself. Not just stepping out and looking, but jumping into the void without hesitation."
- Andre Steven Rutgersen

Adam L. "Guess I'm a little overdressed!"

Duncan B. - There is a real savageness about him and his unapologetic sexuality. As kind as he is behind the camera, in front of it; for me there was a real trepidation. I didn't know what he would do. What he did do was give me something so valuable. He stood and posed and looked at the camera as if it were a lover he's about to ravage. He's a beautiful man and knows it and has never ever apologized for his looks or his sexuality. He most likely never will. Who could blame him?

"David Rinaldo" / Marc - He is nothing short of full honesty and candor. After so many pitfalls It takes a strong person to still survive after riding the tiger, being bit by it and still go on. He's one of the most difficult subjects I've ever photographed. A complicated, conflicted hellion. He has no vested interest in the outcome. All of these are just a few of the reasons I love photographing him.

David Rinaldo - "I'm not who I use to be like over 20 years ago. That 's the guy you should have photographed not this, what I am now. I appreciarte it though. The portraits, that was fun and I guess got the old engines going so that doing this isn't a big deal. I'll take it while I can. Who knows what's gonna happen next right?"
This Image featured in the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021

Ireland - "I can't explain it but posing nude has never been a big deal to me. It's the same as with clothes on, I don't feel a difference but the rest of the world I know doesn't see it that way. That I can't help but while I'm still young enough, and when I'm asked I'll sheed my one skin and show the other."

Over the time that we've worked together he's become another favorite of mine simply because he falls in the same category with all the other men featured here. He's bold, uninhibited and just doesn't care what the world thinks but lives in the moment. Like any human being though the reaction of others to his fearless sexual abandon makes him curious. It certainly won't stop him. "Age, weight, so what. I'm just living." - Ireland

This Image featured in the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021

Censored Version of this Image featured in the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & A Few More Observations" 2021

Ireland - "I love that doing this makes me a sexual outlaw to the rest of the world. I'll take that title. I really like it."

"For me it's just who I am. I have no problem barring myself, I've told you I'm a natural mystic and honestly feel better when I'm naked. There's no f****** shame in it but the world judges us on what we look like and how were built and I know I'm not some muscle bucket head and don't wanna be. This is it and I'm f****** proud of it."


This Image and some featured below appear in the the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & Few More Observations" 2021

I love that he's not afraid of the camera, of how what he does may come across to anyone else. I mean he's just fearless and that's inspiring to me.

"Zeki_One..." These two Images and some featured below appear in the the photography book "Faces, Outtakes & Few More Observations" 2021
Self Portraits "Eye Of The Storm..." this image featured in the self portrait photography book "Picture This..." 2022 - "I'm not going to let public opinion dictate my own feelings about myself. I'm not going to apologize for anything I've done." - Madonna

"The Decent..."

"In God I've always trusted." - Andre Steven Rutgersen

Andre Steven Rutgersen - “Nudity is a very powerful thing. All of these men seemed to have no fear or hesitation. It was easier for them to bare their bodies than to bare their emotional and mental. I stopped being scared of sharing myself with the camera. I won't look like this forever and if I didn't do this I know down the line when it's too late I'd regret it. I just don't have time for regret.”

"Chris B. ..."